We are educators, but not your average educators, we are passionate about ensuring you leave each session happy and achieved, because we believe that’s how you learn best. That’s what we care about!
Here’s an idea of what we can offer you:
- Modern Standard Arabic – MSA (Neutral, balanced language base for studying Arabic used for formal communications in the media)
- Levant Region Colloquial Arabic (Spoken by Jordanians, Lebanese, Syrians & Palestinians)
- Gulf Region Colloquial Arabic (Spoken by Saudis, Emiratis, Omanis, Qataris, Kuwaitis and more!)
- Business Arabic – taught by instructors with years of experience operating businesses in the Middle East!
- Ahlan! For Kids – with VS (vulnerable sector) police checked staff and our own visual learning guides.
- Introductory Arabic for Adults – If you’re new to Arabic, or not sure where to start.
- Ahlan! Survival Travel Kit – with additional tips to help get you the best deal in the Souk!
With that said, we are happy to tailor individual or group sessions (for up to 10 people) to meet your specific needs.
Maybe your wife, husband or partner is from the Middle East, perhaps you’re looking to do business in the Arab world, or ensure that your children don’t lose touch with their linguistic roots. Maybe you want to learn to read religious texts, or perhaps you’re travelling to an Arab country and want to be able to converse comfortably with locals and make the most of your holiday (and bargaining abilities!).
Whatever your reason for learning Arabic, whether travel, business, study or personal enrichment, we will help you select the most appropriate approach to suit your requirements.